CSI SIG eGovernance Award 2020 for Covid19 Sample Collection Management System

Award for the Year: 2021
CSI Award of Recognition in 18th CSI SIG eGovernance Awards 2020 for COVID19 Sample Collection Management System (RT PCR/ RATI mobile apps and https://Covid19cc.nic.in Portal for Real Time Tracking and Record of every RT PCR, Rapid Antigen and Antibody Test being conducted in India). The award was conferred in 18th CSI SIG eGovernance Awards ceremony under Project Category in State Government Entity at Hotel Taj Mahal, Lucknow on Friday, February 12, 2021. Hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Shri Yogi Adityanath presided the award function and Shri Ravinder Jaiswal, Hon’ble Minister of Stamp & Registration, Uttar Pradesh conferred the Award.
Team Members
- Scientist G / State Informatics Officer Himachal Pradesh
- Scientist F
- Scientist F
- Scientist C
- Scientist C